The "Lattice for Beyond the Standard Model Physics" workshop will be held at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory open campus (HPCIC) High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC) at Livermore California on April 23 to 25, 2015. This is the sixth workshop in the series that started at LLNL in 2008 (for previous workshop see under Workshops.)


The focus will be on the role that Lattice numerical simulations can play in the study of possible strong interactions in Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, and in particular within the following topic areas:

  • Composite dark matter
  • Composite Higgs models and EWSB
  • Theoretical applications in conformal field theory, string theory, and holography
  • Strongly coupled models, including many-fermion gauge theories and SUSY

Lattice gauge theorists and continuum phenomenologists/theorists will meet and present talks in these areas, increase the interplay between the groups, and generate new ideas and projects.


Registration closed March 15th.


Upon entering the workshop location at HPCIC US citizens will be asked to show a valid US driver's license, and non-US citizens will be asked to show a valid passport.

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Evan Berkowitz (LLNL)
  • Philip Powell (LLNL)
  • Enrico Rinaldi (LLNL)
  • Ethan Neil (Colorado)
  • Pavlos Vranas (LLNL)

Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Michael Buchoff (INT)
  • George Fleming (Yale)
  • Will Detmold (MIT)
  • Masanori Hanada (Stanford/Kyoto Univ.)
  • Kaustubh Agashe (Maryland)
  • Graham Kribs (Oregon)
  • Tom DeGrand (Colorado)
  • Ethan Neil (Colorado)
  • Pavlos Vranas (LLNL)

LLNL Administrative Contact
Joy Nally email

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue • Livermore, CA 94550
Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC for the
Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration
